Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Story of A Dog

Hyper Active.. extreamly friendly.. not only within the family but also with any and every visitor at home that we do wonder what would he be doing if there is God Forbid any theif tries sneeking in. We call him "Bibo". Bibo was a celebration in our locality as well. Every one loved to meet Bibo.

On a tragic day he suffered an accident and suffered a major injury on his head - recovered but lost his eye sight and went blind.

It was extreamly tragic for us as a family to cope with and extreamly tragic for the young Bibo to manage and accept. With madication he came out of the depression and started managing himself a little better. With extra love and care he is just about managing himself.

When he moves from one location to another he follows a track he has got familier too and if by chance there is a new object placed he do stop and try hard to find his way. At times he just sits at a location and he just stares ... he never knows that it is a wall in front of him. It is really painful to see him like that having seen him so hyperactive and loving.

When i recollect his extra ordinary enthusiasm and hyper activity and loving nature i wonder if he knew in advance and wanted to celebrate each moment he had "when he could see".Perhaps he knew that the days to love, appreciate and enjoy each person he meets are so limited with him.

He never barked upon any one.He just loved every one.

My daughter takes care of him the best.. she ensures that Bibo takes his food, combs his hair and plays with him so that he does not feel alone. She has been enquiring about any one way that we could get his vision back.Doctor tells me that it is not possible now. I checked if he can be transplanted eyes from some other dying dog, we can track. No it is not possible, the doctor said. The veternary science is not that developed.

Having seen the pain of a blind Bibo.. where he cannot express himself by any other means the thoughts keep comming back to me now and then.The tragic realities of a blind human are no less.

One such thought is that we kill so many animals a day to feed the non-veg needs of the humans.. these animals have eyes too.. has it ever been evaluated by medical science that these eyes can be transplanted to the needy blind people.

Any ideas.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Thank You For Your Help

It is a long back incidence.It is very rare that I wud try influence a candidate's behaviour to guide him thru an interview process.But this is one incidence where i did.
And as usual i was refering a resume. This gentleman was working with a small set-up from more than 5 years.. doing a fairly decent job and was being paid peanuts.. but was getting restless.. as he use to shoot his resume almost 2-3 times a day. Personally this gntlman was not in my target segment but his resume and the pattern of his sending the resume had some how compelled me to give him a call. I did call up one afternoon.

This man was impressive in his communication as he reflected honesty and sincerity.I tried understand him better.. and after about 40mins of communication agreed to meet him and he dropped in nxt 3o mins.

We worked on his resume.. on his self presentation.. on job profile.. the challenges he might face.. the good answers and the bad answers.. etc and it was fixed that on comming Monday I shall fix his interview as that was a friday evening for a frontend profile.. I felt good after our discussion as I cud see he was sell-able at a higher price which wud benifit him - he will get much better than those paenuts he had been getting for last 5 years or more . I felt good that evening of being able to help some one in need which wud make a big difference to his & his family's life.

On Saturday I again received The New Resume, the guy was restless and had also updated his new resume friday evening on the job site.Being Saturday I was easy and casual and had 2 line-ups... Evening I got a cal from one informing me of his seletion and seeking clarification on his offer letter... and after exchange of pleasantaries he offered me to speak to another gentlman ...

He was the same guy i had met friday evening... He was extreamly excited... thrilled wud be the write word !! I have done it !!, Yes I have... !!!

And he shared his excitement... with me.. I was extreamly happy. Now he wud be getting five times better than he was getting earlier.

Half an hour latter I realized that I had not advised him to visit for this comparatively higher-end interview... How come he was there and called him up to check.And to my surprise it turned out that he visited on referal of some other consultant in response to the new resume he had updated. I felt cheated, betrayed... Why you did not even found it fit to give me a call ? And he just said I was just so excited to get an interview call after trying for almost a year. And again, I had not even mentioned that I was planning to send him to the same organization ... I still shared my deep displeasure with him .... Some where i was feeling hurt at the loss of service charges we wud have earned from the organization.

I was feeling bad.. cribbing.. I had 2 selections that day but rather than celibrating those 2 selections I was feeling bad for the loss of 1 more.. that cud have been !!

My father was home.. that evening and we had drinks...One down and the 2nd.I wanted and poured the 3rd.. for myself.
And started sharing with my father this experience ...How cud he do that, he should have cared to give me a least informed me of his appearing for this interview... i spent such a long time on making his resume, on giving him minor briefs of selection process bla bla....
And i went quite...
For a long time...

And then i realized that just yesterday night after meeting this gentelman i was feeling happy that i helped a man in need which i was sure wud make a difference to his life.. it was no mean acheivement that he proved me right. But was this help also so-self centered... that i wanted a benifit out of it. If it was help for my self benefit then it was not help at all, it was business.And rather than celebrating his success where my contribution played a major role and which this gentleman was decent enough to acknowledge i felt bad.

Bad for what...?? that i cud not make a possible gain out of his success. I felt small realizing my so self-centered mindset.Well i was no different. How many times in our life we get "Help" from some near and dear and are being reminded of the "Do Not Forget The Help Extended" attitude. And i still carry a burden of one such "Extendend Help" and always look forward to reciprocating that in a manner which should get this burden off my shoulders, in this life.

This gentleman i am sure is doing well and growing. His father still runs a tea shop and is a happy man.